Flow & The Third Dimension

2 Peters Hills (a fD) 110812 8iN c082812p< 200dpi6.4%22q9-3957

Photography satisfies my need to convey how I feel about what I see. Because I am hyper aware of movement in everything, I am consumed with the need to convey the motion I feel to others as my way of connecting visually.

To successfully overlay my images with a sense of the passage of time, I must align my felt-sense of motion with one or more aspects of the image I am capturing. I gain the visual harmony I seek by aligning my camera motion stroke with the flow I feel in the land.


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FLOW vs. The Flow Line

3 Margerie Glacier (a glB) 110812 6iN c082512ap< 1.5 200dpi6.4%22q9-3674I seem to be particularly sensitive to coincidences these days. After posting my 08/24/14 Behind the Lens piece, REIMAGINING THE FLOW LINE, several people responded with a reference to Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmuhalyi’s national bestseller, FLOW (1990) when he introduced The Psychology of Optimal Experience…  for illuminating the way to happiness.

Since I first utilized the term Flow Line more than thirty years ago to identify the central compositional energy within my landscape photographs, I’d like to think I had the original thought.  My Flow Line is the dominant directional axis within a landscape from which my own gesture emanates, and therefore highlights the optimal energy in my composition. And when I nail it – I too feel as though I have found that optimal experience, since I do experience ‘enjoyment, creativity, and a total involvement with life’, enabling me to express my way to happiness.

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