Ghost Ranch West III


Warm early March light on this lovely array of high desert colors, just north of Abiquiu Lake, leading west from Ghost Ranch along the dirt road to the Monastery of Christ in the Desert…

‘Georgia O’Keefe country’ is an hour north of Santa Fe, and lies within the broad shallow Chama Basin along the eastern margin of the Colorado Plateau as it transitions toward the Rio Grande Rift further east. Because the Colorado Plateau has been a relatively stable block in the Earth’s crust for at least 600 million years, the rocks around Ghost Ranch are generally flat-lying and less deformed by broad-scale folding.

The oldest exposed rocks in the ghost ranch area belong to a thick layer of brick-red to red siltstone and mudstone, and mudstone and white to tan sandstone. Deposited more than 200+ million years ago when the Ghost Ranch area was located just 10 degrees north of the equator these varicolored cliffs provide its signature palette, when raised by low-angled light.

Blended with motion, it is my intent that this palette suggest its millions of years’ passage of time.

To view more images of Ghost Ranch, see Ghost Ranch and Ghost Ranch II.

Chamita River<br>Ghost Ranch West III - 2012 Road West II<br>Ghost Ranch West III - 2012 East Facing Butte<br>Ghost Ranch West III - 2012 Southeast Facing<br>Ghost Ranch West III - 2012 Southeast Facing II<br>Ghost Ranch West III - 2012 Chama Basin<br>Ghost Ranch West III - 2012